New York City: Appreciating Its Most Precious Resources

New Yorkers have been distressed in recent years (and with good reason) over the many venerable (and still viable) shops, restaurants and taverns that have had to close—not because their business had dropped off, but merely because their landlord had doubled, tripled, even quadrupled their rent. It’s an issue many residents of New York City care deeply about, as more and more chain stores and restaurants move into the city. The very nature of the town we love seems to be changing, and not for the better.

But it’s good sometimes to stop and remember that all is not lost—that we still have many unique establishments that offer a quirky character all their own. Here’s a Buzzfeed list any New Yorker (and even more so, any tourist) should have handy as he make their way around the Big Apple.

44 Amazing NYC Places That Actually Still Exist

New York City: Russ and Daughters storefront

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